Friday, July 22, 2011


Island Tumbler Gymnastics (Kid's Event)


Celebrating Zeke's 2nd Bday!!


Celebrating Momo's 1st Bday :)


At Chuck. E. Cheese with Aunty Angie

Swinging at the park!

Playing wii at gma's and gpa's

not sure where this is but awesome job, photo team :)

lifting weights.. starting young!

my mom hates when i play with the toy guns at walmart, but i love it. i shoot all the customers in the store around the corners

little boy, big muscles

Monday, July 4, 2011


watching tv with abby

looking like uncle l.a. with same crocs, red shirt, football, and shaka :)

learning to skateboard at softball park

playing in a mini-cooper, my size car